About Us

Who We Are

Learn more about the pastors and staff of Redemption Hill Church.

What We Believe

We accept the Bible, including the 39 books known as the Old Testament and the 27 books known as the New Testament, as the written Word of God. The Bible is a vital and perfect record of God’s self- disclosure to mankind. It leads us to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

What Defines Us

With every sermon that is preached, word of counsel given, and conversation had over coffee…a culture is cultivated in the life of a church. An ethos is being shaped. At Redemption Hill we want to be intentional about cultivating the culture of our church (from the sermons we preach and songs we sing to the chats around the dinner table at home and water cooler at work) around three main distinctives: being Gospel-Centered, Grace-Driven, and Mission-Minded.

In an effort to help flesh out what it would mean for us to become more Gospel-Centered, Grace-Driven, and Mission-Minded, we have compiled and adapted resources from men like Tim Keller and Dick Kaufmann to help unpack how these ideas should impact the commitments that we have and the lives that we live.


God created the world. We, His creatures, rebelled; but God, in unfathomable grace, sent His Son, Jesus, as the sacrifice for our sins. Through faith in Jesus, we have been forgiven of our sins, welcomed as sons and daughters, and empowered by His Spirit to live lives that reflect his goodness and love. This is the gospel. This message and its implications are the center of everything that we do as a church.


What does it mean to cultivate an ethos that is Grace-Driven? It means that we live with an understanding that real transformation is motivated by what God has done for us in Christ and not by what we have to do to earn His favor or people’s approval. More than just understanding it, we want our lives to reflect the massive implications that being “Grace-Driven” has for how we relate not only to God, but to ourselves & others.


Theologian Christopher Wright wrote that, “It is not so much that God has a mission for his church in the world, but that God has a church for his mission in the world…mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission—God’s mission.” More often than we realize, we confuse the church for the mission. As Wright said, the church does not necessarily have “a mission” as much as God’s mission of redemption has a church.