As Sunday is approaching, take some time to prepare your heart and mind to worship God when we gather together as a church family. Below you will find some of the details of our upcoming worship gathering. Our hope is that it will allow you to know what to expect and help you to better engage and participate with us, towards the ultimate goal of encouraging your joy and faith in Jesus.
Sunday Rhythm
February 9th, 2025

Call to Worship
Inspired by Hebrews 4:16 and Psalm 100:1-5
This morning we come with boldness to the throne of your grace, oh great God. We enter your courts with gratitude and thanksgiving.
We raise a joyful noise because you have made us your people. You have made us your people.
Though we have nothing to offer you, nothing to bring you, and no righteousness of our own, you have made us yours.
We stand amazed that you would welcome us into communion with the everlasting God of the universe; the author of all creation. We bless your name because you are good, your mercy is everlasting, and your truth endures to all generations.
- O My Soul, Arise by Charles Wesley and Eric McAllister
- Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery by Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, and Michael Bleecker

Confession and
Assurance of Pardon
Inspired by The Valley of Vision
God our best prayers are stained with sin. Our most penitent tears are impure. We repent of our shallow and inadequate repentance.
We have no robes that can cover our sins, no good deeds to hold up in contrast with our failure. We have nothing to offer to you a Holy God.
We have lost sight of the exceeding sinfulness of our sin as well as the exceeding glory of Christ. We have failed to be satisfied in His sufficiency.
We are always fleeing from you and always returning home the prodigal. We are always lacking again, and asking again for your grace.
- Goodness of God by Ed Cash and Jenn Johnson

This Sunday, Shelby Murphy will continue in our sermon series on The Importance of the Church from 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

- O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Charles Wesley
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty by Joachim Neander and Catherine Winkworth
Christ is our only good in days of peace.
He is our only support in days of trouble.
He is our one sufficiency when life shall end.
He is our hope of joy eternal.