Sunday Gathering

New Here?

We appreciate how difficult it can be to walk into a new place where you don’t know other people and aren’t entirely sure what’s going on. We have created a page that helps explain what our Sunday service is like, but we also invite you to look for the “New Here Tent” outside when you arrive. It is a great place to meet some friendly people and to get your bearings.


Another great way to experience who we are and to connect with the church is to jump in and give some of your time to help serve on Sunday mornings.

Preparing for Sunday

As Sunday is approaching, take some time to prepare your heart and mind to worship God when we gather together as a church family.

Our Sunday Gatherings Have an Intentional Rhythm

God Calls His People to Worship

We always begin our time together by focusing on God and remembering that He has made us His. We remember that it is God who calls His people to worship. We do not call ourselves; it is the King who opens His gates and calls us into His presence to carry out His mission. We often read passages of Scripture that call us to God, or declare aspects of His character. We then respond by singing songs that focus on God’s glory—songs that present more of the “big picture” of His majesty.

God Speaks to His People Through His Word

We believe that the Bible is the means by which God graciously reveals Himself to His people, so each week, we take the time to listen, read, and study it with expectant hearts. True spiritual health can only be effected by the Spirit of God, the same spirit that inspired the Word of God as his only infallible witness to the minds and hearts of his people. As the Spirit works by and with the Word in our hearts, God teaches us all that is needed for our spiritual lives. This is lead by one of the pastors of Redemption Hill Church.

After hearing God’s Word proclaimed, we respond to God speaking to us by having a time of reflection. This is simply a moment where we take the time to silently reflect on what has been preached. Sometimes we provide questions to help in this process. Sometime’s we also have a time of confession. A true revelation of the goodness of God will bring clarity to our own depravity, and the Gospel reveals that we can not do anything that would make us “good enough” for God.

God Strengthens His People at His Table

We have chosen to take communion, or the Lord’s Supper, every week at Redemption Hill Church. The Lord’s Supper is a time in the service during which we are tangibly reminded of the broken body of Christ and the sacrifice of sin He became for us on the cross. We also are reminded that Jesus now reigns on the throne in heaven at the right hand of the Father and intercedes for us.

God’s People Respond in Grateful Praise

Scripture teaches us that our lives and hearts continually give response to the Word of God (Nehemiah 8:6). We respond with either hardened hearts or with praise and brokenness. Here we have a chance to stand and respond to the Living God with songs of praise.

God Sends His People Into the World

The apex of spiritual experience in the life of a Christian is not simply hearing the Word, but living it. The close of our Sunday rhythm ends with God blessing and sending His people on mission to “Go therefore and make disciples.” To bid people to come and die to their old, destructive ways, and to live for Jesus, who loved them and gave himself for them. To carry forward the gospel story of reconciliation to our homes, jobs, neighborhoods and the city we love.